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Encryption Factory Function


To implement aggregate or read model encryption, you need to define an encryption factory function. This function receives data about the currently processed operation and returns an object that contains your implementation of encrypt and decrypt functions.

Aggregate Encryptionā€‹

An aggregate encryption function has the following structure:

// common/aggregates/encryption.js
const createEncryption = (aggregateId, context) => {
// Returns an object that contains 'encrypt' and 'decrypt' functions
return {
encrypt: (data) => ..., // A function that takes data and returns its encrypted version
decrypt: (blob) => ..., // A function that takes an encrypted blob and returns unencrypted data
export default createEncryption


aggregateIdstringThe aggregate ID associated with the current operation.
contextAn aggregate encryption context objectContains data and API related to the current operation.


The returned value should be an object of the following structure:

encrypt: (data) => ..., // A function that takes data and returns its encrypted version
decrypt: (blob) => ..., // A function that takes an encrypted blob and returns unencrypted data

Read Model Encryptionā€‹

A read model encryption function has the following structure:

// common/read-models/encryption.js
const createEncryption = (event, context) => {
// Returns an object that contains 'encrypt' and 'decrypt' functions
return {
encrypt: (data) => ..., // A function that takes data and returns its encrypted version
decrypt: (blob) => ..., // A function that takes an encrypted blob and returns unencrypted data
export default createEncryption


eventeventThe currently processed event.
contextAn event handler encryption context objectContains data and API related to the current operation.


The returned value should be an object of the following structure:

encrypt: (data) => ..., // A function that takes data and returns its encrypted version
decrypt: (blob) => ..., // A function that takes an encrypted blob and returns unencrypted data

Aggregate Encryption Contextā€‹

The aggregate encryption context object has the following fields:

jwt?stringA JSON Web Token attached to the current request.
secretsManagerA secrets manager objectExposes API used to store cryptographic secrets in the event store.

Event Handler Encryption Contextā€‹

The event handler encryption context object has the following fields:

secretsManagerA secrets manager objectExposes API used to store cryptographic secrets in the event store.

See Alsoā€‹