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ReSolve uses the @resolve-js/debug-levels package to log debug information. This package extends the debug library's functionality with the following logging levels:

logMessages that should always be displayed
errorErrors that can prevent normal program execution
warnPotential problems in the application's implementation
debugInformation displayed for debugging purposes
infoMessages that describe the current operation
verboseExtended descriptions to the previous message

The reSolve framework uses the debug logging level by default. Set the DEBUG_LEVEL environment variable to use a different logging level.

Debug ReSolveā€‹

The reSolve framework uses the resolve prefix for all its debugging namespaces. To enable the framework's debug output, assign resolve* to the DEBUG environment variable as shown below:

DEBUG=resolve:* DEBUG_LEVEL=error yarn dev

Debug a ReSolve Applicationā€‹

You can add the @resolve-js/debug-levels package to your application's dependencies to use @resolve-js/debug-levels to debug your reSolve application.

yarn add @resolve-js/debug-levels

To create a logger, pass your module's debugging namespace to the function the @resolve-js/debug-levels module exposes:

import debugLevels from '@resolve-js/debug-levels'
const log = debugLevels('myapp:api-handlers')

The logger object exposes methods that correspond to the available debug levels:

log.debug('processing an API request')
log.verbose(`request body: ${JSON.stringify(req.body)}`)
log.verbose(`cookies: ${JSON.stringify(req.cookies)}`)

Use the DEBUG and DEBUG_LEVEL environment variables to enable debug messages:

DEBUG=myapp:api-handlers DEBUG_LEVEL=verbose yarn dev