In reSolve, a module encapsulates a fragment of functionality that can be included by an application. A module can include any structural parts of a reSolve application in any combination.
A module is a standalone configuration object that can reference client code, read-side and write-side code, sagas and HTTP handlers. To include a module into your application, you need to initialize this object with any required additional settings and merge it into your application's centralized config:
[embedmd]:# (../examples/js/hacker-news/run.js /^[[:blank:]]+const moduleAuth/ /^[[:blank:]]+)/)
const moduleAuth = resolveModuleAuth([
name: 'local-strategy',
createStrategy: 'auth/create_strategy.js',
logoutRoute: {
path: 'logout',
method: 'POST'
routes: [
path: 'register',
method: 'POST',
callback: 'auth/route_register_callback.js'
path: 'login',
method: 'POST',
callback: 'auth/route_login_callback.js'
const baseConfig = merge(
A merged module's code is included in the resulting application's bundles.
For an example on how to use modules, see the Hacker News sample application. This application uses the authentication and comments modules from reSolve.