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Request Middleware


The @resolve-js/client and @resolve-js/react-hooks libraries allow you to use request middleware to extend the client's functionality. Middleware implements intermediate logic that can modify the response object or handle errors before they are passed to the callback function.

Use a command's or query's middleware option to specify middleware:


name: "MyReadModel",
resolver: "all"
middleware: {
response: [
// An array of middleware that runs on server response
// Middleware options
error: [
// An array of middleware that runs when there is a server error
// Middleware options
(error, result) => {


const myQuery = useQuery(
name: 'MyReadModel',
resolver: 'all'
middleware: {
response: [
// An array of middleware that runs on server response
// Middleware options
error: [
// An array of middleware that runs on server error
// Middleware options
(error, result) => {

Multiple middleware functions are run in the order they are specified in the options object.

Available Middlewaresā€‹

This section lists request middleware included into the @resolve-js/client package. The following middleware is available:

parseResponseDeserializes the response data if it contains valid JSON.
retryOnErrorRetries the request if the server responds with an error.
waitForResponseValidates the response and retries if validation fails.


Deserializes the response data if it contains valid JSON. If the data is not JSON, the original string is kept. Initialized by the createParseResponseMiddleware factory function.

This middleware has no options. You can add it to a request as shown below:

import { createParseResponseMiddleware } from '@resolve-js/client'

const { data } = await client.query(
name: 'articles',
resolver: 'all'
middleware: {
response: [createParseResponseMiddleware()]


Retries the request if the server responds with an error. Initialized by the createRetryOnErrorMiddleware factory function.

The retryOnError middleware has the following options:

Option NameDescription
attemptsThe number of retries if the server responds with an error.
errorsAn array of error codes that are allowed to trigger a retry.
debugIf set to true, the middleware logs errors in the browser console.
periodThe time between retries specified in milliseconds.

You can add the retryOnError middleware to a request as shown below:

import { createRetryOnErrorMiddleware } from '@resolve-js/client'

aggregateName: 'Chat',
type: 'postMessage',
aggregateId: userName,
payload: message
middleware: {
error: [
attempts: 3,
errors: [500],
debug: true,
period: 500
err => {
if (err) {
console.warn(`Error while sending command: ${err}`)


Validates the response and retries if validation fails. This allows you to check whether the response contains the latest data or wait for the Read Model to update.

Initialized by the createWaitForResponseMiddleware factory function.

The waitForResponse middleware has the following options:

Option NameDescription
attemptsThe number of retries if validation fails.
debugIf set to true, the middleware logs errors in the browser console.
periodThe time between retries specified in milliseconds.
validatorAn async function that validates the response.

You can add the retryOnError middleware to a request as shown below:

import { createWaitForResponseMiddleware } from '@resolve-js/client'

const { data } = await client.query(
name: 'users',
resolver: 'userById',
args: {
id: userId
middleware: {
response: [
attempts: 3,
debug: true,
period: 1,
validator: async (response, confirm) => {
if (response.ok) {
const result = await response.json()
if ([userId]) {

Implement Custom Middlewareā€‹

You can define custom middleware as follows:

const myMiddleware = async (
options, // Options passed to the factory function.
response, // The second argument is either a response or error.
params // Contains API you can use in your middleware implementation. See the API table below.
) => {
// Put your middleware logic here

// Export the factory function.
export const createMyMiddleware = (options) =>
waitForResponse.bind(null, options)

The params object exposes the following API:

Field NameDescription
fetchA JavaScript fetch function you can use to perform arbitrary HTTP requests.
infoAn object that describes the current request.
initAn object that is the fetch function's init parameter.
repeatA function you can call to repeat the current request.
endCall this function to commit the middleware execution result or error.
stateA state object passed between middleware functions.
deserializerReturns a deserealized object from a string.
jwtProviderUsed to get and set the JSON Web Token.