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The @resolve-js/client library exposes an interface that you can use to communicate with the reSolve backend from JavaScript code. To initialize the client, call the library's getClient function:

import { getClient } from '@resolve-js/client'

const main = async resolveContext => {
const client = getClient(resolveContext)

The getClient function takes a reSolve context as a parameter and returns an initialized client object. This object exposes the following functions:

Function NameDescription
commandSends an aggregate command to the backend.
queryQueries a Read Model.
getStaticAssetUrlGets a static file's full URL.
getOriginPathReturns an absolute URL within the application for the given relative path.
subscribeSubscribes to View Model updates.
unsubscribeUnsubscribes from View Model updates.


Sends an aggregate command to the backend.


Argument NameDescription
cmdAn object that describes a command to send to the server.
optionsAn object that contains additional options for command execution.
callbackA callback to call on the server response or error.

The returned value is a promise that resolves to the command execution result.


aggregateName: 'Chat',
type: 'postMessage',
aggregateId: chatRoom,
payload: {
middleware: {
error: [
attempts: 3,
errors: [500],
debug: true,
period: 500,
(err) => {
if (err) {
console.warn(`Error sending a command: ${err}`)


Queries a Read Model.


Argument NameDescription
qrAn object that describes a query.
optionsAn object that contains additional query options.
callbackA callback to call on the server response or error.

The returned value is a promise that resolves to the query result.


const { data } = await client.query({
name: 'chat',
aggregateIds: '*',


Gets a static file's full URL.


Argument NameDescription
assetPathA string that specifies a relative URL path.

The returned value is a string that contains a full URL.


var imagePath = client.getStaticAssetUrl('/account/image.jpg')


Returns an absolute URL within the application for the given relative path.


Argument NameDescription
pathA string that specifies a relative URL path.

The returned value is a string that contains a full URL.


var commandsApiPath = client.getOriginPath('/api/commands')


Subscribes to View Model updates.


Argument NameDescription
urlA URL used to establish a WebSocket connection to a view model.
cursorThe data cursor used to traverse the events included into the query result set.
viewModelNameA string that specifies the name of a view model.
aggregateIdsA list of aggregate IDs for which to receive events.
handlerA function that handles incoming events.
subscribeCallbackA callback called on a successful subscription or an error.
resubscribeCallbackA callback called on a successful resubscription or an error.

The returned value is a promise that resolves to a subscription object.


const chatViewModelUpdater = (event) => {
const eventType = event != null && event.type != null ? event.type : null
const eventHandler = chatViewModel.projection[eventType]

if (typeof eventHandler === 'function') {
chatViewModelState = eventHandler(chatViewModelState, event)

setImmediate(updateUI.bind(null, chatViewModelState))

await client.subscribe('chat', '*', chatViewModelUpdater)


Unsubscribes from View Model updates.


Argument NameDescription
subscriptionAn object returned by the subscribe function.


await client.unsubscribe(subscription)